Can I configure the VPN connection to always use the same

Dec 07, 2015 Why does my IP keep changing? - What Is My IP Address Dynamic IP addresses make it easier for your ISP if you're an ordinary computer user. If you decide to move across town, you can still keep your ISP, and they don't have to go through the hassle and account work of rerouting your "permanent"/static IP address. Instead, you're simply automatically assigned a dynamic IP address that's available How to Set Static IP Addresses On Your Router Jul 10, 2017

Make Your IP Stay the Same: If you every used a program that required an IP address to use it (i.e VNC, and almost all other remote services) you probally know it is very annoying having to ipconfig your computer to get the IP. This is a way to keep your IP the same! And thi

6 Basics Things to Know About IP Addresses

The only instance where you may keep the same IP Address is if you have purchased a static IP Address – This type of address does not change and large businesses often make use of static IP addresses to maintain a degree of continuity. In short, try not to become fixated on one single IP Address as you may not keep …

Dec 07, 2015 Why does my IP keep changing? - What Is My IP Address Dynamic IP addresses make it easier for your ISP if you're an ordinary computer user. If you decide to move across town, you can still keep your ISP, and they don't have to go through the hassle and account work of rerouting your "permanent"/static IP address. Instead, you're simply automatically assigned a dynamic IP address that's available How to Set Static IP Addresses On Your Router Jul 10, 2017 amazon ec2 - Is it possible to retain IP address when