MSI log files filling C drive in Windows Temp folder

"Windows Installer reconfigured the product" - Dell Community "Windows Installer reconfigured the product" On my new Inspiron, under the Maintenance/view reliability history I keep getting ""Windows Installer reconfigured the product" messages for each application and it keeps happening/repeating over and over. Any suggestion/help what is … The case of the reconfigured product - Roger's Information May 13, 2012

Issue Fixed: Windows Installer Reconfigured The Product In Event Logs. This issue has been resolved in next version SMP 7.1 SP2. GetInstallProductInformation method is used. This method reads MSI properties by using MsiGetProductInfo. There are mainly two reasons behind this issue:

VDA Software Installation Failed with Error 1603: "Could Make sure we have Full Control permissions for SYSTEM, ADMINISTRATOR, ADMINISTRATORS, LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR on the following key: H KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components ; Reboot the machine. Install the VDA again.

Deploying Adobe Reader Patches with Microsoft SCUP

Solved: Fatal error during installation. A VPN - Cisco