echo "[some repository]" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list The tee command is called as the superuser via sudo and the -a argument tells tee to append to the file instead of overwriting it. Your original command failed, as the IO redirection with >> will be done as the regular user, only your echo was executed with sudo.

echo "[some repository]" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list The tee command is called as the superuser via sudo and the -a argument tells tee to append to the file instead of overwriting it. Your original command failed, as the IO redirection with >> will be done as the regular user, only your echo was executed with sudo. Repository sources.list File. The /etc/apt/sources.list file contains the information needed to install additional software packages on your Raspberry Pi from the Raspbian repository. This file should contain the following information: Replace your /etc/apt/sources.list with the following one. For adding GPG keys of new repos, see instruction (if available) in the sources.list below itself. For more information see here . Sources List. Direct Link to Sources List or use: WARNING: This will overwrite your existing sources.list: Aug 10, 2017 · To begin updating Raspbian, we need first to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file to point to Raspbian Jessie instead of Raspbian Wheezy. We can begin by running the following command in the terminal. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list. 2. Within the sources.list file, find and replace all occurrences of Wheezy with Jessie as we have below. Find Jul 02, 2020 · Display mirrors but don’t generate sources.list file. The following command returns the top 3 mirrors, but won’t generate the sources.list file: $ apt-select -t 3 -l. To find 5 mirrors, but don’t want to generate sources.list and exclude statuses, do: $ apt-select -t 5 -p -l Update your system’s sources.list file Sample etc apt sources list file for Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial The Following is a sample default Ubuntu apt sources list file you can use as the software repository in Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial. If your current /etc/apt/sources.list file is broken, Then replace it with following.

Add ISO image to apt sources.list -

Install .NET Core on Debian - .NET Core | Microsoft Docs As an alternative to the ASP.NET Core Runtime, you can install the .NET Core Runtime that doesn't include ASP.NET Core support: replace aspnetcore-runtime-3.1 in the command above with dotnet-runtime-3.1.. sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-runtime-3.1 linux - Append to /etc/apt/sources.list - Stack Overflow

APT has support for specifying authentication credentials in a separate file outside of sources.list by using a /etc/apt/auth.conf file or a .conf file inside /etc/apt/auth.conf.d. Learn more about this feature here .

RaspbianRepository - Raspbian Repository sources.list File. The /etc/apt/sources.list file contains the information needed to install additional software packages on your Raspberry Pi from the Raspbian repository. This file should contain the following information: linux - How do I enable non-free packages on Debian To do so, keep your /etc/apt/sources.list as described by @Andrew M. Then, use Apt Pinning to disable by default all non-free packages for your current release: Then, use Apt Pinning to disable by default all non-free packages for your current release: Upgrade Pop!_OS - System76 Support Pop!_OS 20.04 LTS was released April 30, 2020. View the Release Notes to learn about new features.. Upgrading Pop!_OS to 20.04 from 19.10 or 18.04 (For all other operating system versions, scroll down to the instructions for upgrading from an earlier release)