@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ Australia Melbourne (TCP),au1.vpn.ac au1.vpn.ac au1.vpn.ac au1.vpn.ac,tcp,12200 26000 88 80: Australia Melbourne (UDP),au1.vpn.ac au1.vpn.ac au1.vpn

VPN.AC was a breath of fresh air. Not only was the pricing fantastic, but the customer support really stood out from the rest. VPN.AC's support staff is extremely quick to respond - I've never had to wait more than a couple hours for a well thought out (and detailed) answer. VPN.AC Client Software (Windows) - Knowledgebase - vpn.ac Warning: Please be aware that PPTP has been considered not secure for a few years already and we don't recommend to use it for anything sensitive. It is a good choice for geo-unblocking, but nothing else if privacy and security are top priorities for you. Download VPN.AC - MajorGeeks

Jan 21, 2020

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T., Sweden “ I've tested many of the "big" VPN providers, but none come even close to VPN.ac. The extremely good and personal support compared to the standard "copy & paste" support you get from others is really something extra.

VPN.ac Review for 2020 - Is It Worth Buying?