Jul 22, 2020 · In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)T, if the DHCP pool is not configured with VRF and the ip dhcp aaa default username command is not configured, the AAA request will still be sent with the username attribute set to the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) pool name.

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network management protocol used on Internet Protocol networks whereby a DHCP server dynamically assigns an IP address and other network configuration parameters to each device on a network so they can communicate with other IP networks. In your case, you have a lot of conflict because you have the dhcp ping feature enable and the switch found out that its dhcp ip have already been assigned. You have several things you can do: Activate a dhcp database locally on the switch or on a tftp. Aug 12, 2014 · When the value data is set to 1, DHCP tries to ping the devices one-by-one that are denoted by PingTarget during media connection. If the ping action succeeds, the previous IP is used. If the ping fails, DHCP sends a request to renew the IP address. If the renewal also fails, DHCP tries to send DORA. MaxPingAttempts The default value data is 3. Check your DHCP client's documentation. It is a good idea to accept 'ping' on any interface that gets its IP address via DHCP. That way, if the DHCP server is configured with 'ping-check' true, you won't be blocking its 'ping' requests. Jan 22, 2020 · The ping-check statement. ping-check flag; When the DHCP server is considering dynamically allocating an IP address to a client, it first sends an ICMP Echo request (a ping) to the address being assigned. It waits for a second, and if no ICMP Echo response has been heard, it assigns the address. Send the DHCP packet to this IP address. -h client-hardware-address Use this hardware-address in the DHCP request. It can be up to sixteen octets seperated by colons (i.e. 01:02:03:04) -g gateway- IP-address Use this IP address for the gateway IP address in the DHCP packet. This option is currently broken. Return Values

Note that if you have configured DHCP options at both Server and Scope levels, the Scope options on the clients prevail. Generally, setting up Server and Scope Options is a very easy and simple task. Let’s see how it works. Configure DHCP Options at Server level. In the DHCP console, expand IPv4 and find the Server Options folder. Here, you But then I do ipconfig /all on a client, it says DHCP enabled, network test on client shows a FAILED on pinging the default gateway. Internet is working fine on all clients, network connections up at 1Gig except for the occasional random hiccups. a dhcp server needs to see a packet on the network from a host requesting a dhcp configuration message. therefore we need to mimic a dhcp request,, and this tool will do that and print the response, which will be an ip address, netwmask, default router, and optionally dns resolvers, ntp servers etc. – Paul M Jun 22 at 14:28

You would be able to ping a local host by name only if your Wi-Fi router (or some other local host) is running a DHCP/DNS server which does know the name of the host you are trying to ping. This is a screenshot from my router: Also make sure your Android device is sending DNS queries to local server and not on internet.

Jan 15, 2007 · I was concerned that I was using a cached address so I deleted the entry from the DHCP table on the router and actually put my laptop on the network. The original IP addr issued to the problem computer had been but after the deletion and the add of the laptop, the laptop was issued .102 and the problem computer was assigned .104. Jun 12, 2012 · Ping is the most important troubleshooting command and it checks the connectivity with the other computers. For example your system’s IP address is and your network servers’ IP address is and you can check the connectivity with the server by using the Ping command.