If you mean strictly VPN then these ports should be opened: TCP/47 GRE, TCP/1723 for PPTP, TCP/1701 for L2TP and TCP-UDP/500 for ISAKMP, CISCO etc (only in case of

Our VPN service uses these ports for Firewall configuration: For OpenVPN, we allow connections via TCP or UDP protocols on ports 443 or 1194. The IPVanish software uses port 443; Both PPTP and L2TP need the PPTP & L2TP pass-through options in the firewall/router's management interface to be enabled (if applicable). Jun 23, 2013 · This makes running OpenVPN over TCP port 443 ideal for evading censorship as: It is very difficult that OpenVPN is being used rather than regular SSL; It is almost impossible to block without breaking the internet. Some custom VPN clients allow you to select TCP port 443, or it can often be configured manually (ask your VPN provider for settings.) PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) VPN [RFC 2637] - commonly used to access a Microsoft Remote Access Server (RAS) port 1723 TCP GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation, IP protocol=47) L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol) VPN - an extension of PPTP often used with IPSec to establish a VPN. port 1701 TCP port 500 UDP port 4500 UDP IPSec Jun 10, 2020 · TCP VPN pros: TCP connections are usually allowed in restricted networks on common ports like 80, 443, while UDP traffic may be blocked, usually in corporate networks. Moreover, it is fairly common for ISPs to throttle UDP traffic; TCP VPN cons: usually, a TCP VPN connection is slower than UDP, so you should prefer UDP connections with a VPN When a VPN uses OpenVPN TCP on port 443, any data sent over the connection looks like regular website SSL traffic, not VPN traffic. The data is also encrypted and hence, can’t be identified. It’s an effective and difficult to block way of hiding VPN use.

TCP ports 502, 501, 443, 110, and 80; L2TP uses: UDP ports 500, 1701, and 4500; IKEv2 uses: UDP ports 500; PPTP uses: TCP ports 1723 or Protocol 47 (GRE) If you can connect over any of those, you should be able to use at least one of our connection methods. In addition, the PIA application pings our gateways over port 8888. This is used to

Aug 27, 2019 · Some firewalls allow selective configuration of UDP or TCP ports with the same number, so it's important to know the type of port you're configuring. For example, NFS can use TCP 2049, UDP 2049, or both. If your firewall doesn't allow you to specify the type of port, configuring one type of port probably configures the other. Jan 14, 2008 · Introduction. This document describes how to configure IP Security (IPSec) over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). This enables a VPN Client to operate in an environment in which standard Encapsulating Security Protocol (ESP, Protocol 50) or Internet Key Exchange (IKE, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 500) cannot function, or can function only with modification to existing firewall rules. Then, if a VPN is using non-standard traffic on port 443, you could block everything on port 443 that doesn't meet the TLS standards. That won't break HTTPS, but may affect other non-standard services, requiring exceptions for their IP addresses.

The usual use case for this would be to run the OpenVPN server on port tcp/443, and in place of a port forward, let OpenVPN hand off the HTTPS traffic to a web server. To set this up, configure an OpenVPN server to listen on TCP port 443, and add a firewall rule to pass traffic to the WAN IP (or whatever IP used for OpenVPN) on port 443.

Below is a list of some common VPN protocols and the ports that they use: PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) – This protocol uses port 1723 TCP. L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol) – This protocol uses port 1701 TCP, Port 500 UDP, and port 4500 UDP. TCP ports 502, 501, 443, 110, and 80; L2TP uses: UDP ports 500, 1701, and 4500; IKEv2 uses: UDP ports 500; PPTP uses: TCP ports 1723 or Protocol 47 (GRE) If you can connect over any of those, you should be able to use at least one of our connection methods. In addition, the PIA application pings our gateways over port 8888. This is used to Our VPN service uses these ports for Firewall configuration: For OpenVPN, we allow connections via TCP or UDP protocols on ports 443 or 1194. The IPVanish software uses port 443; Both PPTP and L2TP need the PPTP & L2TP pass-through options in the firewall/router's management interface to be enabled (if applicable). Jun 23, 2013 · This makes running OpenVPN over TCP port 443 ideal for evading censorship as: It is very difficult that OpenVPN is being used rather than regular SSL; It is almost impossible to block without breaking the internet. Some custom VPN clients allow you to select TCP port 443, or it can often be configured manually (ask your VPN provider for settings.)