Windows 8.1 RT Update 3 -®.com

Το Windows RT είναι ένα λειτουργικό σύστημα που αναπτύχθηκε από τη Microsoft για συσκευές tablet.Είναι συμβατό σε συσκευές με αρχιτεκτονική ARM 32 bit (ARMv7). Windows RT đã bị chỉ trích vì hỗ trợ ứng dụng quá kém – cấu trúc ARM của nó không hỗ trợ các ứng dụng Windows chuẩn được xây dựng cho các vi mạch x86, do đó nó thiếu một hệ sinh thái ứng dụng phù hợp – và nó cũng bị chỉ trích vì vị trí không mang tính cạnh tranh Windows RT. Windows RT (nume intern: „Windows on ARM”) este o versiune a sistemului de operare (SO) Windows 8 al companiei Microsoft, proiectată special pentru dispozitive ARM, ca de exemplu calculatoare tabletă. Conține în mod standard unele pachete de software ca de exemplu Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint și Microsoft OneNote; în plus poate rula (executa) doar aplicații (programe) oferite de Microsoft pe situl Windows Store. It is built on the NT hybrid kernel, which was originally intended for use in OS/2 3.0 but was adapted for a 32-bit version of Windows after the Microsoft - IBM split. The first release based on the new kernel was Windows NT 3.1, which was launched in 1993 and was equivalent to Windows 3.1 released two years earlier. Windows RT is an operating system for mobile devices developed by Microsoft, primarily for tablet computers but also for convertibles. It is essentially an edition of Windows 8.x that uses the 32-bit ARM architecture (ARMv7). Windows RT:n sovellukset hankitaan Windows Store-sovelluskaupasta, joka on ainoa tapa hankkia laitteeseen kolmannen osapuolen sisältöä. [1] Microsoft on ilmoittanut, että Windows RT-laitteisiin ei voi päivittää ilmaista Windows 10 -päivitystä, joka tuli saataville Windows 7 ja Windows 8 -käyttöjärjestelmille. [3] 10月17日 - Windows RT 8.1配布開始。 10月22日 - Windows RT 8.1搭載の「Surface 2」販売開始。日本は10月25日、日本の法人向けは11月1日販売開始。 2015年. 9月17日 - Windows RT 8.1 Update 3のアップデート(KB3033055)が配布開始。

Windows 8 Enterprise contains additional features aimed towards business environments, and is only available through volume licensing. A port of Windows 8 for ARM architecture, Windows RT, is marketed as an edition of Windows 8, but was only included as pre-loaded software on devices specifically developed for it.

Windows RT - Wikipedia Microsoft Windows RT, waarna tydens die ontwikkelingsfase ook as Windows on ARM (kort: WOA) verwys is, is 'n weergawe van Microsoft se Windows 8-bedryfstelsel.Dit is vir mobiele toestelle soos tabletrekenaars ontwerp wat op die ARM-argitektuur baseer. Die sagteware, waarvan die finale weergawe op 1 Augustus 2012 vrygestel en vanaf 26 Oktober 2012 amptelik versprei is, uitsluitlik op nuwe What Is Windows 10 on ARM, and How Is It Different?

윈도우 RT(Windows RT, 개발명: 윈도우 온 ARM/Windows on ARM)는 태블릿과 같은 ARM 기기들을 위한 윈도우 8 운영 체제 버전이다. 장치 제조업자에게만 직접 판매하는 제품으로(OEM 전용) 일반 소비자에게는 판매하지 않는다.

Windows RT는 2012년 마이크로소프트가 x86용 Windows 8과 동시에 발매한 32비트 ARMv7용 운영체제이다. 이름의 RT는 일단은 아무 뜻이 없다.[6] 기존 x86 판본들과는 달리 소비자에게 판매되지 않고, 마이크로소프트로부터 허가를 취득한 제품에만 내장되어 유통된다. Windows RT-l on Windows 8 ees ka eeliseid. Kõige suuremaks eeliseks võib pidada selle hinda. Seade, millele on paigaldatud Windows RT, on märksa odavam seadmest, millel on operatsioonisüsteemiks Windows 8. Teiseks suureks eeliseks on Windows RT väike energiatarve. Mobiilsete seadmete puhul on aku kestvus väga oluline ja Windows RT juures Windows RT is an edition of the Windows 8 operating system designed for mobile devices that use 32-bit ARM architecture (ARMv7). Microsoft intended for devices with Windows RT to take advantage of the architecture's power efficiency to allow for longer battery life, to use system-on-chip (SoC) designs to allow for thinner devices, and to provide a "reliable" experience over time. In comparison Microsoft Windows RT, waarna tydens die ontwikkelingsfase ook as Windows on ARM (kort: WOA) verwys is, is 'n weergawe van Microsoft se Windows 8-bedryfstelsel.Dit is vir mobiele toestelle soos tabletrekenaars ontwerp wat op die ARM-argitektuur baseer. Jun 28, 2018 · Media in category "Microsoft Windows RT" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. Nl-Windows RT-article.ogg 3 min 37 s; 2.76 MB.