Get OpenVPN users talking to different subnets on a VLAN

I am setting up a Net-Net VPN using two IPcop machines with Zerina OpenVPN addon. I have everything set up correctly but the problem I'm having is possibly more of an advanced routing issue. On my Site-A I have several subnets internally. Ex:,,, etc. Site-B I only have one subnet Howto: Install IPCop 1.4.15 Firewall (Part 2 - OpenVPN Jun 08, 2007 OpenVPN - IPcop to pfSense | Netgate Forum If I was you I would import your CA, OpenVPN-Server-cert and a client cert in pfsense. then setting up an openvpn server on pfsense with the imported certs and then try to connect with an IPcop client config file and the correct certs to pfsense. if that is working than you know what you have to do if you do not like any downtime for your clients. - Configure iOS Device for OpenVPN To get started go to the menu Services > OpenVPN, scroll to the Connection Status and Control section and click on the Download Client Package (zip) icon. Download Client Package (zip) Create unified file. There are a few different ways to create a unified file for use on an iOS device (iPhone or iPad device). It can be done manually by cutting

OpenVPN either uses a dedicated peer-to-peer connection, with both endpoints well-known or a client-to-server connection with only the server endpoint well-known. I assume you want to do the latter. There are configuration examples at the OpenVPN community pages, and you should follow those.

IPCop + OpenVPN + RDP (How i control RDP Session Aug 19, 2011 Add routes to OpenVPN on IPCOP – NCOL.NET

The VPN implementation used by IPCop is an IPSec standard VPN. It is also a very simple manually keyed system. This works reasonably well in small scale installa-tions but does require an amount of discipline to manually change keys on a regular basis. As it is currently implemented, the IPCop VPN environment is not suited for large-

IPCOP – OpenVPN Contexte PROX14 : connexion des portables de la zone Wifi en VPN Présentation IPCOP IPCop est un projet Open Soure dont le ut est d’otenir une distribution Linux omplètement dédiée à la séurité et aux servies essentiels d’un réseau. - OpenVPN works with roadwarrior configuration (client1 can ping the internal IP of IPCop through OpenVPN tunnel). The problem is that client1 can't ping server1, because IPCop+OpenVPN doesn't forward traffic in the internal LAN. I can't use neither of the two OpenVPN forwarding mode: Jan 11, 2011 · IPCop installation is pretty straightforward, I’ll assume you’re familiar with it or you can install it without serious issues (or let me know and I’ll write something for you if needed); from a basic installation without additional modules or plugins you’ve everything you need to setup an IPSec connection between your machines. Get Started with OpenVPN Connect. OpenVPN Connect is the free and full-featured VPN Client that is developed in-house. It is the official Client for all our VPN solutions. Any other OpenVPN protocol compatible Server will work with it too. Our desktop client software is directly distributed from our Access Server User portal. One great addon is the Zerina OpenVPN addon, which is an alternative method of constructing a VPN that is simpler to use than IPSec yet cross-platform. It's based on OpenSSL for secure transport. OpenVPN is regarded as secure, compared to some of the amateur efforts at VPNs in the past like CIPE.