Jan 25, 2012

I would like to delete my Facebook account permanently but I would like to delete my Facebook account permanently but unsure what happens to my messages afterwards Hello all, I would like to delete my Facebook account permanently due to a career change but I'm worried that my messages will still be seen far after I'm gone by those who I've sent them to. Fast Way to Delete Facebook Account Permanently | NordVPN Select Deactivate Account and Continue to account deactivation. Confirm your password and click Continue. How to delete your Facebook account permanently. To permanently delete your account, follow these steps: Click on the triangle dropdown icon at the top right corner of your Facebook page. Go to Settings. Click on Your Facebook Information. Facebook: How to deactivate my account and does that

3 hours ago · However, a Facebook spokesperson said that, even when a user opts to delete their account forever, the site will wait 14 days after receiving the request before they actually delete that account.

Jun 19, 2019 · Facebook warns that, when you delete your account, "you won't be able to retrieve the content or information you've shared on Facebook. Your Messenger and all of your messages will also be deleted." Once you put Facebook out of the way, your subconscious will need someplace to go, you’ll experience a flood of inspiration to write, paint, or dance. That’s the beauty of jumping out of a formatted environment like Facebook: you start having ideas of your own. So, in the end, what happens when you delete your Facebook account? Nothing Apr 04, 2018 · Here's what Facebook says happens when you delete your account: When you delete your account, people won't be able to see it on Facebook. It may take up to 90 days from the beginning of the Firstly, all the messages won't be visible to you any more cos you deleted your facebook account. :) Secondly, you friends (ex-friends, cos you deleted them), will all have copies of your facebook chats in their history/cache depending on what software/browser they used.

Jan 25, 2012 · If you delete your email: *you can still log into your facebook account. *If you forgot your password it will be very hard to recover it. *Facebook can't send any emails to you. ~~~It's better to keep your email or else atleast make a new one and change it so if anything goes wrong.~~~

Deactivating or Deleting Your Account | Facebook Help What happens if I permanently delete my Facebook account? You won't be able to reactivate your account. Your profile, photos, posts, videos, and everything else you've added will be permanently deleted. If I delete my Facebook account, what happens to my pages When you delete your Facebook account your data is moved to facebooks “trash”. However the trash is never emptied. Facebook keeps all of your data but just keeps it so it is not accessible anymore. The way Facebook handles deletion requests is unf Here's how to deactivate or permanently delete your Aug 23, 2018