Sep 21, 2016

North Korea's internet is as weird as you think it is Nov 10, 2017 Yes, North Korea has the internet. Here's what it looks Dec 22, 2014

May 15, 2019

Human rights in North Korea are extremely limited. Despite numerous rights being de jure guaranteed by the country's constitution, human rights groups such as Amnesty International and nations such as the United States have asserted that, in practice, there is no right to free speech, and the only radio, television, music and news providers that are deemed legal are those operated by the Internet in North Korea: everything you need to know

North Korea announces blocks on Facebook, Twitter and

North Korea has previously admitted that it has had problems getting enough electricity, with Kim Jong Un telling the nation’s citizens to work hard to restore the country’s electricity in his Does North Korea have Internet? on Vimeo What: Exploring the conflicting ways that North Korean technological knowhow is portrayed in the international news media. Why: North Korean technology comes across as highly advanced in some online news bulletins, while others paint a picture of it as hopelessly outdated, imagining a technological gap that would be impossible to bridge in a potential unification with South Korea. North Korea Insists It Has No Coronavirus Apr 10, 2020 North Korea's Internet? What Internet? For most, online